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Why does URB manage pest and disease?


Poor Nutrition (Pest and Disease Like Sick Plants)

  • Poor Microbiome (surface coverage and/or performance—including interregulation with plant to determine plant response to pest and disease).


Healthier microflora—“holobiont,” thus healthier plant

  • quality and quantity (function):

    • A Nutrition-- sugar production for example)—plus coverage and maintenance.

    • B Antimibrobial compounds (inhibit)

    • C Bacteriophagy (consume)

    • D Crowd out (Outcompete, given aerobic conditions because enzymes are more efficient than pathogenic microbes, and can also engage in quorum quenching against target pathogen)


Pest and disease management can also be viewed as microbiome management. Pest and disease attack sick plants. Healthy plants remain free of pest and disease due to the control measures taking place within your substrate moment-to-moment by the management processes performed by beneficial (oxygen-loving) microbiology present in the rhizosphere of your plant.  Just like we humans, when a plants microbiome is compromised, so is the capacity for high-performance autoimmunity. Optimized Biology = Optimized Nutrition = Optimized Autoimmunity = Reduced Pest & Disease.